What Is Keyword Cannibalization?

Keyword Cannibalization Krawl Tech

Keyword cannibalization is a common SEO issue that occurs when multiple pages on your website target the same keyword or set of keywords. While it might seem like a good idea to create various content pieces focused on the same term to increase visibility, it often has the opposite effect. Search engines like Google can become confused about which page to rank for the keyword, leading to lower rankings for both pages.

How Does Keyword Cannibalization Happen?

Keyword cannibalization happens when multiple pages on your website compete for the same search query. For example, if you run a blog about digital marketing and have several articles targeting the keyword “SEO tips,” Google might struggle to determine which of your pages is the most relevant. This can dilute your SEO efforts and harm your site’s overall performance.

This issue commonly arises from:

  • Publishing multiple blog posts with overlapping topics
  • Having several product pages targeting the same keyword
  • Optimizing category pages and individual product pages for the same term

Why Is Keyword Cannibalization Bad for SEO?

Keyword cannibalization can lead to several issues:

  1. Lower Page Rankings: When search engines are confused about which page to rank, both pages could end up lower in the rankings than they otherwise would if only one page were optimized for the keyword.
  2. Diluted Click-Through Rate (CTR): By splitting search traffic between multiple pages, you reduce the overall CTR of each page. This can make it harder for either page to stand out in search engine results.
  3. Wasted Crawl Budget: Search engines have a limited budget when it comes to crawling your site. If they spend time crawling similar pages with overlapping content, they may not crawl more important pages as frequently.
  4. Hindered Conversion Rates: If visitors land on the wrong page due to keyword confusion, you may lose out on conversions. For example, a product page might rank lower in search results than a blog post, even though the product page is more valuable for driving sales.

How to Identify and Fix Keyword Cannibalization

To fix keyword cannibalization, you first need to identify it. Tools like Google Search Console or SEO software can help you spot which pages are ranking for the same keywords. Once identified, you can take steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Consolidate Content: If you have multiple pages targeting the same keyword, consider merging them into one comprehensive page that covers the topic thoroughly.
  2. Use 301 Redirects: If one page is clearly outperforming the others, use 301 redirects to direct traffic from the weaker pages to the stronger one.
  3. Update Content Strategy: Ensure each page targets unique keywords by reviewing your content strategy and aligning it with specific search intent for each piece.


Keyword cannibalization can hurt your site’s search rankings and overall SEO strategy. By identifying and resolving it, you can boost your website’s visibility and enhance user experience.

If you’re dealing with keyword cannibalization and need more guidance, contact Krawl Tech for expert advice on improving your SEO strategy and maximizing your website’s performance.